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Pediatric Dentistry

Restorative Procedures

Help maintain your child’s dental health

There are a few types of restorative procedures used to improve the shape or strength of a tooth like fillings or crowns.


Traditional dental restoratives, or fillings, may include gold, porcelain, or composite. Newer dental fillings include ceramic and plastic compounds that mimic the appearance of natural teeth. These compounds, often called composite resins, are typically used on the front teeth where a natural appearance is important. There are two different kinds of fillings: direct and indirect. Direct fillings are fillings placed directly into a prepared cavity in a single visit. Indirect fillings include inlays or veneers fabricated with ceramics or composites and generally require two or more visits.


A dental crown or cap is a tooth-shaped cap that restores a decayed, broken, weak or worn-down tooth. A crown fits over the portion of the tooth above the gum line like a snug hat. To ensure a proper fit, a dentist will need to remove a small amount of enamel before cementing the new crown in place. The crowns we use are stainless steel for back teeth (molars). These are the most recommended type of crowns for children, and they are often called silver crowns. These restorations are durable and strong. For front teeth (anterior), we use more aesthetic type of stainless-steel crown with a white facing. A white facing is added to the crown to make it look more natural. It is a better option than a conventional stainless crown for a front tooth that will be visible whenever the wearer opens their mouth.

Dental Abscess

An abscessed tooth is a dental condition in which the nerve, also called dental pulp, has become infected. The infection usually occurs when a dental cavity goes untreated and bacteria spread deep within the tooth. Left untreated, an abscess can progress to a serious, life-threatening bacterial infection throughout the entire body. This is especially harmful to children, because their immune systems are not fully developed.

Signs Your Child May Have an Abscess

  • Continuous sharp or throbbing pain
  • Pain when chewing
  • Red, swollen gums
  • Swollen neck or jaw
  • Fever
  • Bitter taste in the mouth or bad breath

Treatment of an Abscess

If an abscess occurs in one of your child’s primary or baby teeth, it will most likely need to be extracted. Depending on the location of the extraction, a space maintainer may be necessary until the permanent tooth emerges to prevent the surrounding teeth from drifting into the open space.

If your child’s permanent tooth has an abscess, the treatment options consist of root canal therapy to clean and remove the infection, or tooth extraction. Your pediatric dentist may also choose to add an antibiotic to your child’s treatment plan. This will prevent the infection from spreading further into the jaw and bone tissue.

Tooth Abscess Prevention

The good news about a dental abscess is that it’s easily preventable! Schedule regular exams to your pediatric dentist to monitor and address any cavities present in your child’s mouth. Also, making sure your child follows effective home-care practices, such as brushing twice a day and flossing, and eliminating excess sugar in his or her diet, are simple ways you can prevent an abscessed tooth.

Dental Bonding

Dental Bonding

Children’s teeth bonding is dental filling used to restore and reshape teeth. The process improves both mouth function and aesthetic appearance. The bonding material is either a composite resin or ceramic that hardens under a specialized light and fuses with the treated tooth.

Dental bonding is a comfortable, non-invasive procedure. To complete the restoration or cosmetic improvement, your Doctor will roughen the surface a bit and coat the tooth lightly with conditioning liquid. The tooth-colored resin will be applied next, to shaded to match your child’s natural teeth closely. The material will be shaped to perfection then hardened.

Uses for Children’s Teeth Bonding

Your Doctor may use children’s dental bonding to correct:

  • Stained teeth
  • Chipped or cracked teeth
  • Spaces between teeth
  • Broken or misshapen teeth

How is Dental Bonding Applied to Teeth?

A children’s teeth bonding is an in-office procedure that takes about an hour to complete. If necessary, the affected tooth will be filed down slightly to achieve a stronger bond. Then a thin layer of bonding material is applied and sculpted to appropriate size and shape. Under a special like, the material will harden and fuse firmly with the treated tooth. Lastly, the bonded tooth is polished until smoothed out.

Treatment for dental bonding takes about one hour, and the results can last about a decade. Once the bond is secure, the tooth will function and appear just like the surrounding natural teeth.

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